Playground at the Moonhill in Görlitzer Park

Tucked away between the moon hill and the football field is this beautiful (water) playground at the eastern end of Görlitzer Park. Cool highlight : The giant slide! But be careful, on sunny days it gets incredibly hot.

Directly opposite is a fenced off part of the playground, with a pool of stones that serve as fountains, a water pump (drinking water!), clean sand, swings and a small nature trail. And the best thing about it: The playground has been declared “barefoot space” – playing and exploring everywhere barefoot  is explicitly – we explicitly ask you to be considerate.

There are two more swings and a great climbing and balancing course made of tree trunks.

A small tip: There is also a lot to discover on the moon hill – for example wild rabbits.

Behind the playground (towards the football field) there is also a public toilet.