Loose Parts Play Berlin

On Bewegungsbaustelle.Berlin (Loose Parts Play Berlin) that always takes place outside children are given the opportunity to experiment with materials that are not usually seen as “play materials” in everyday life. These include boards, boxes, pipes, tree grates, ropes, buckets and blankets.

Not only can the children get to know the materials, they can also come up with very different ideas for using them. From a balancing course to a ball run to a ball pit, cozy caves and wobbly towers, there are no limits to creativity and imagination.

The Bewegungsbaustelle is divided into two areas, an educational one on which the children can experiment without parents. The two founders and operators of the Bewegungsbaustelle, Henning Camin and Martin Stief, provide educational support. That doesn’t mean the children are not being told how to do something, they are simply given a safe framework. Ultimately, the point is that the children develop small “construction projects” by themselves and then find possible solutions in order to implement them independently.

In addition to the educational area there is also the parent-child area in which children can find ideas and realise them together with the adults who accompany them.

But the kids don’t have to commit to one area. They can build, stack, tilt and sort both in groups and individually. Not only do they learn to strengthen motor skills, but also to think strategically in order to solve problems that arise and, if necessary, work in a team.


In an absolutely relaxed and informal atmosphere, the children can face their own challenges at the Bewegungsbaustelle.Berlin. They are in constant motion and can also devote themselves to the materials, their properties and their transport and application possibilities without any specifications or requirements.

Useful Information

Open offer for parents and children, without registration
Tuesday from 3:30pm-6pm on the site of the Prinzessinengarten Kollektiv on the ancient St. Jacobi cemetery in Neukölln

Costs (open offer)
Family contribution 5€

There are other regular appointments for daycare places (Kita & Kinderladen) in Berlin. Prior registration and arrangements are required. More information on the website.

Current information, change of date  etc. are being communicated via Instagram 

More Information
