On Forckenbeckplatz in Friedrichshain two stone elephants help you cool down in the summer months.
The elephants alternately – or together at times – spray cool water on the paved surface of the paddle. It is lined with stone crocodiles and turtles as well as some benches.
The paddling appears – similar to the surrounding meadow – rather meager to my taste, but water-loving kids definitely have a lot of fun here!
Those who have splashed enough can romp around on the large meadow, warm up in the sun or continue playing in the playground.
On the playground there is a balancing course made of tree trunks, a colorful, bridge-like climbing frame, swings, a small climbing frame with a slide and lots of sand.
In contrast to the surrounding streets, Forckenbeckplatz is slightly elevated. In the playground, this “height” can be climbed over a kind of stony ramp.
There is also a small soccer field, a cable car and a half pipe.